ONETOUCH Bar is the right tool for your business. reduced cost for issuing the ticket in thermal paper through the recording of electronic journal electronic journal cost control ensured through precise statistics sold daily and monthly along with control of the warehouse stock. To complete the analysis of management control of revenues and food cost. Control weekly receipts, monthly and period detail by time band. Results are safe and tested at the counter or at tables, through the use of microchip cards, Ibutton Dallas, RFID and fingerprint, for opening cash and to allow only certain operations to shift operators.

Customer retention
ONETOUCH Bar also allows, customer loyalty, with the release of a card RFID microchip, barcode fidelity or prepaid to climb maintaining an archive customer data with multiple indications statistics. A very high level of customization, allowing you to use only the features you need only turn to the Vs. cash operations, avoiding confusion by simplifying and improving the look and feel of the screen masks.
- Registration receipt of electronic journal electronic journal;
- Statistics sold daily and monthly;
- Control stock inventory;
- Analysis of revenues and food costs;
- Opzione1
- Opzione2
- Opzione3
- Bar
- Pub
- Gourmet
- R. 25/12/2015