To request information contact us at the addresses listed or fill out the form below and click SEND.
We will contact you via email or by phone as soon as possible.
Telema S.r.l
Via dei Carroz, 12
09134 Cagliari, Sardegna – Italy
Tel: (+39)070 554885 Sede Cagliari
Tel: (+39)011 9032661 Hot Line Piemonte
E.Mail: info@telemapos.it
Pursuant to and for the effects of article 13 of Law 30 June 2003, No. 196, commonly called Act Privacy we are required to provide certain information regarding the use of your personal data. Following the completion of this questionnaire, the undersigned Company is in possession of information relating to you. These data will be used for promotional and statistical purposes.
The refusal to provide them will make it impossible to provide an answer to your question.
The data are processed in written form and / or magnetic, electronic or computer.
Owner of data processing:
Telema S.r.l.
Via dei Carroz, 12 09131 Cagliari, Sardegna – Italy
P.IVA 01868520923
Your rights in this regard are listed nell’art.7 the same Law no. 196/2003. In particular, you can obtain from the data erasure, anonymization or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as the updating, correction or integration of data. You can also oppose for legitimate reasons, to the processing of the same.
of consent: it is specified that the inclusion of the data in this form (form) will lead implied consent to the processing of data contained therein.